Thursday, July 28, 2005

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE COUSIN MELISSA!! Enjoy your day, party time on Saturday. what what.

How good was MADE last night? Please MTV, pick more people from South Florida so I can see more familiar faces and places, it's fun. No really it is.

I worked today 8am-6pm. In the morning on my way to work old people constantly jog/walk past me. They exercise around the mall and then sit in the lounging chairs and chill in the air conditioning. It's really funny to see. Because you're thinking who is in the mall at 8am? OH IT'S OLD PERSON MCGEE with their fannypack again.

The water for the pasta is taking way too long to boil. Felicia is hungry. Felicia needs food. Felicia is delirious. Felicia needs to stop talking like this.

Happy Birthday Melissa!!!


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