Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friday night I got off work at 530, and had plans to hang out with 2 Jessicas around 9. So to kill some time I went to the mall because 1) haven't gone shopping for myself in a while 2) had a giftcard I wanted to holla at 3) "just got paid, friiiday night" nsync style. Got some fun stuff at Forever 21, and popped my head into Hot Topic just to look around...and I see these blue beauties! On sale! walking straight into my heart. I showed my sister the next day, and she said they look like stripper heels(because of the 4.5 inch heel, pahaha). That doesn't discourage me though, these shoes are BITCHIN. I looked into the label Iron Fist, and they make the cutest shoes!

After my successful shopping excursion, I went to Jessica's apartment, and then other Jessica showed up, we had margaritas and daiquiris, taco salad, watched 2 Kat Williams DVDs and called it a night.

Can you tell me how someone hears "M" when I say "felicia" ?>???????/
I just don't understand.


Anonymous mei yin (ESTRELLA) said...

FELICIA! I MISS SITTING IN YOUR CARRRRR! hahahah, singing to stupid songs on the radio! and i miss shopping in orlando! :( and and i miss you!

9:57 AM  
Blogger Felicia said...

I miss it too and miss you boo boo <3

12:15 PM  

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