At the beginning of January, I entered a lottery to win a ticket to see the Dalai Lama speak at school, and then I won! His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama spoke today, and it was awesome!
It's weird to say..but really..he's such a chill dude. He was making jokes, and he absolutely reminded me of Ari's grandpa. His english was pretty good, but still broken enough with the right jokes to make everyone laugh. I did feel enlightened when I left -- One of my favorite things he said was "A genuine smile is a unique gift from a human being" and he is right! At the end of his speaking he answered student-submitted questions, and there was one question about him believing if we will ever achieve world peace, and he said "Don't shout world peace, world peace, world peace, that doesn't work. or release pigeons, it's silly."
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