Monday, December 06, 2010

My internship is almost over, and so is my time in California. I've started the goodbye process this past weekend in Long Beach! Tony's birthday was Friday night and celebrated with a bar crawl. I had a chocolate cake shot and that shit blew my mind! I've had a gummy bear shot before, and since then any food-tasting shot I AM GAME FOR. After a brief discussion with Danny, there are oatmeal cookie shots, washington apple shots, peanut butter and jelly shots, and a pancake and maple syrup shot?? I'm not even trying to get wasted here, I just want to try liquors that when combined confuse my taste buds.

On Saturday we went to Kabob Curry for lunch, and stumbled upon their lunch buffet!! I haven't had an Indian lunch buffet in a while so I was pumped. They had the sweet balls in the dessert area and after telling Danny they are good, he tried one!

They are actually called gulab jamun, but I know them as sweet balls. He liked it!

I love reading Missed Connections on Craigslist. Not because I'm a creeper who really wishes to find someone who had googly eyes for me, but because people write the best things!!!!! This Reckless Tortuga video is A++

When it comes to Christmas presents, I'm pretty low key with what I want. Reaching for the stars (designer bags) is silly. When put on the spot I can never think of things I want, so I've been making a Christmas list of small things gradually.

It's basically things I'll buy for myself later on. I'm also on the lookout for a really good volumizing mascara and red lipstick. Any suggestions will be GREAT! The American Apparel nylon tricot leggings are $34, and I don't want to pay $34 for leggings. HOPE SANTA PULLS THROUGH.


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