Sunday, June 17, 2007

My birthday + past couple days have been a mix of bad and good, but in the end it turned out to be absolutely fantastic. How come? Because of these special people...

Thanks again to all my out of towners who made it out to Orlando for me.
I have some of the greatest friends ever. I love you alllllllllll <3

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Today is my birthday.

Unfortunately, it is the last week of classes for summer term A, so instead of partying tonight, I am going to dinner with my sister, and then coming back home to write a research paper for tomorrow. Totally shitty.

But my birthday festivities will take place at a later date, and I am very excited to see all my lovers soon ! ! ! ! !

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A lot happened in the last couple days. There was an award ceremony AKA a popularity contest at work, and I WON.'s only amung a few people, but whatever. I will take my trophy and wand and wave it proudly.haha....only half serious ...

I saw Oceans 13 & Hostel 2. Oceans 13 was so good! so many twists and turns, and Brad Pitt is getting old, but he will always remain fiiiiiine. Hostel 2 had a lot of twists and turns too, and I actually liked it better than the first. With this one, they went more in depth and showed the perspectives of OTHER individuals, and it was tight. A+ for both movies.

Today after work I went to a public speaking of Christopher Gutierrez! I've never been to like a public speaking-book stories revealed/semi-motivational speaker presentation before, so it was interesting. There were about 25 people in the coffee house, and a good chunk of them had to have been around 16 years old, it was all kind of weird. I was bummed that I got there late and only heard about 20 minutes of talk, versus the 2 hours he was there that I missed. ughh...oh well, he's a pretty nice dude, and I got his newest book "A Life Deliberate".

I'm actually really exhausted from a hectic weekend. I am going to bed now, which is soooooooooooo early for me. ay yi yi.

(By the way, my birthday week began today!!!!!)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

This weekend was nuts. And can be best talked about in bullet form.

- Missy & Giancarlo were in town AKA SOO MUCH FUN WAS HAD
- Dinner theater with Missy & Giancarlo (it was called "Tony & Tina's Wedding")
- Worked like crazy
- Saw "Knocked Up" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" (Knocked up was sooooo funny. Like, I plan on buying it on DVD and adding it to my dvd collection it was so good. Pirates was long, but there was never a dull moment, stuff kept popping up, it was ehhh)

That's about it really. I came home from work today around 4pm, and decided to take a quick nap since my body was drained, and I didn't wake up until like 9:30pm. So my quick nap became a small slumber, and now I'm wide awake.
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